Saturday, December 15, 2007


Under invitation of IPUEL, with the support of the EUNET INTI Porject, was held on the 15th December at Alenquer, Portugal the III ALENQUER INTI MINI SEMINAR

During this seminar two working groups were constitued to developpe the substancial and formal presentation of two spin off projects from the INTI undergoing activities in order to be discussed at the INTO SONNENBERG EUROPEAN SEMINAR, to be held in Germany from the 24th to 27th january

The two new portuguese contributions refers to:

- The European Observatory, to be named the EU IMMIGRANT OBSERVATORY, aiming to provide empowrment to the net work of immigrants´s associatiosn constituted on the INTI project network. This European Obsevatory intends to be based on several national observatories, to be created with the active participation of non governamental associations related to the immigrations procedures

- The European Migrants Academy to be identified as EU MIGRANTS ACADEMY, will be shaped to provide e-learning, and e-lbooks manuals on their theme areas for long distance courses, and also summer courses, for the migrant communities living in the European Union , or outside of the EU, but based on european nationals.

The two working groups are now finalising the formulation of two differente power points presenations to be discussed at the Sonnenberg European seminar. Some photos of this event are here reproduced.

Reuniram a 15 de Dezembro de 2007, em Alenquer, a convite do IPUEL no quadro do apoio da EUNET/INTI, os membros do network português do projecto INTI co-financiado pela Comissão Europeia, que desenvolveram os seus trabalhos de preparaçao do seminario europeu de Sonnenberg, que tera lugar na Alemanha de 24 a 27 de Janeiro, através de dois grupos de trabalho, correspondentes a dois anteprojectos de actividades a submeter a apreciação do INTI Network para candidatura a financiamento comunitário:
- Criação do Observatório Europeu dos Imigrantes,
- Criação da Academia Europeia para Migrantes
(as fotos mostram aspectos parciais dos seminarios INTI de Alenquer promovidos pelo IPUEL)

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