Friday, May 11, 2007

Mini Seminario de Imigração (INTI) em Alenquer

NOTA: este seminario de 12 de Maio de 2007, realizou-se no seguimento do seminario de 16 de Março que teve lugar no ambito do projecto INTI, na AR, com o apoio da AEDAR. O objectivo principal foi o de reunir os 24 participantes mais interessados innluindo os que foram seleccionados para participarem no seminario europeu do INTI a ter lugar em Copenhagen de 31 de Maio a 2 de Junho de 2007 . Este seminario, presidido pelo Prof. Doutor Luis Nandin de Carvalho, decorreu em Alenquer durante um dia inteiro, incluindo a hora de almoço, em que todos os participantes porsseguiram as suas trocas de impressões, que permitiram a fianl do dia a adopção por consenso de uma nova redacção das conclusões sobre a integraçao de imigrantes, desde logo redigida em inglês, para serem presente ao seminario Internacional agendado para Copenhagen no incio do mês de Junho, e em que participrão alguns dos presentes.


1 – Conclusões do Seminário Nacional de 16 de Março;
2 – Ficha de Tarefas para Trainers (facilitadores);
3 – Ficha de Identificação de Boas Práticas;
4 – Conclusões do Seminário da Alemanha;
5 – Comentário s/os Trainers;
6 – Programa da reunião INTI Copenhagen.


10.00 h – Apresentação do Mini Seminário e troca de impressões.
10.30 h – Desenvolvimento das conclusões do seminário Nacional de 16/03/2007.
12.00 h – Estratégia de Intervenção em Copenhagen.
13.00 h – Almoço.
14.30 h – Discussão sobre a função dos Trainers.
15.30 h – Discussão sobre boas práticas.
16.30 h - Conclusões


and Sum up.....Suggestions...

1) The creation of a PARLIAMENT FOR IMMIGRANTS, either at national level, and also at muncipal level, as an administrative, consultation and monitoring body with immigrants elected, or appointed by the legal and registered immigrants associations, taking in account the proportional representation criteria .

2) The creation of connexions within several BILATERAL NETWORKS protocols type, between immigrant associations in European countries, and other Asociations and NGO´s, in the countries of origin, to help them to learn a new language and plan the migration procedures.

3) The creation of multiple CREDIT HOURS BANK or Bank of Time, that is a good practice based on a pool of voluntary work that can be exchanged in a community, by terms of hours given by their members, ex. Teaching hours exchanged by cleaning hours, lawyers advice hours in exchange of gardener services.

4) A new POLICY OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, especially in the public servants jobs with relations with the immigrants needs, like SEF (Service on foreigners and frontiers) and ACIME, the central administration department for immigrations problems, allowing the admission of imigrants workers.

5) A TRANSLATORS BRIGADE, ora an SOS Team, with a pool of migrants with bilingual skills, to be called 24h a day, for police needs and court, or hospital, health care, and schools, to overcame the needs of translations in problems related with immigrants.

6) More teaching programs of Portuguese language, including professional and technical portuguese in Schools and other EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES for students of all range of ages.

7) More PROGRAMS OF TRAINING , specially at municipal level, to obtain equivalence and RECOGNITION of diplomas, and qualifications obtained on the countries of origin, with consulate validation, in Portugal, with less bureaucratic demands within the Bologna spirit.

8) Creation of an IMMIGRANT DEPARTEMENT ON THE OMBUDSMAN (Provedor de Justiça) to deal more adequately with the immigrants issues and problems, and also with delegations at regional level, supported by employees with skills in the migrant more common languages.

9) Creation of Mixed VISITING BRIGADES, with members of Portuguese nationality and immigrants to organize visits to prisons and hospitals especially with children patients.

10) Creation of a MARKET OF OPPORTUNITIES, not only for employments, and self employment, but also for training courses, to provide possibilities to migrants to constitute their own companies and business plans, and in general information about other activities including cultural and events open to free entrance for migrants.

11) As an example of good practices it was selected the SPORTS GAMES FOR DISABLE ( that should be promoted among all the immigrants associations to stimulate the participation and inclusion of persons from the migrants communities.

12) The good practice of creation of WEEK END SCHOOLS, already in operation by the associations of Ukrainian migrants, and that are very helpful both to teach Portuguese, Ukrainian…language, history and culture (to children), should be extended To universities and other educational institutes, to help to obtain qualifications and recognitions of jobs and professions. Cable Television and also Educational Internet programs should also be implemented to assist the migrants needs.

13) It was also considered a good practice the creation of a public service with support of the immigrants associations, as an ADMINISTRATIVE ITINERANT BUS AND LIBRARY, equiped with internet and Wi Fi, in order to provide information and solution to some of the immigrants needs, mainly in the area of legalization of documentations, renovations of licences, visas, payment of taxes, etc and also to provide a library of reference books, like legal bills , codes, etc at locals not so near the administrative principals bodies always misplaced from the point of view of those living and working far away the main cities.

14) The majority of the participants refered that an edition of a DVD/CD ROM and a BOOK ABOUT THE SEMINAR could be very helpfull for the assocations concerned, and that the list of exemples of good practices will be also, along with the transcription of the speaches and the debates, considering that the seminar was all recorded in tape. It was also suggested to make avaiable in a internet web page all the proceedings and findings of the INTI seminars in portuguese.

15) Another good practice was noted to be the multiplication of involvement of immigrants among local sections of the RED CROSS , and other local community or social services associations, like the Fire Brigades.

16) For the developpment of new projects and programs by the immigrant associations it was considered usefull to create a POOL OF TRAINERS AND CONSULTANTS ( also coachers and facilitators) either portuguese, or from all other nationalities of the migrant communities, in order to share their skills and capacities to prepare sucessfull initiatives. IPUEL was considered to reunite the conditions to manage this pool, but the costs shoud be supported by EU and Portuguese Government.

17) It was noted that some banks also have alreday services and agencies, specially conceived for the migrants needs, that is the case of BES Banco Espirito Santo and BCP Millennium, and so it was also considered to be recomended by the Central Bank (Banco de Portugal) the improuvement of BANK SERVICES DESKS FOR MIGRANTS, specially by the large institutions as it is the case of the obsolete and bureaucratic CGD- Caixa Geral de Depositos.

18) All the participantes urged the need of revisions for the taxes apllied to visas and residence vias and authorisation, with special prices to family groups, and children, instead of the actual costly system one person one visa, one tax.

19) The participants on the seminar also were unanimously in favour (after 5 years ol legal residence) to the acquisition of full political rights to vote, or to be elected, not only at local level but also at national level, even in caso of non reciprocity in the countries of origin.

20) Finnaly all the participants were in favour of the follow up of the INTI project in order to develop more intiatives at national level, like a National Congress of Imigrants (and also at European Level) and the improvement of migrants mobility within EU, the end of all discriminations, the promotion of the universal condition of human beings, equal rights to minorities, better media and image treatment to imigrants dignity and integration, with the aim to assure full citizenship and equal gender and rights.

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