Saturday, March 10, 2007

IPUEL apoia projecto da UE sobre Waves of Democracy

WAVES OF DEMOCRACY 2007 North South Dialogue
September 2007 at Brandbjerg Højskole and at The House of Europe in Rhodes

(Linked to the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome)

O IPUEL esta a seleccionar 2 jovens dos 18 aos 30 anos interessados em participar em um dos dois seminarios que se realizam simultanemanete de 23 a 30 de Setrembro, em RODES, Grécia e em BRANJBERG, Dinamraca sobre os temas que abaixo se discriminam. essencial o conhecimento dalíngua inglesa.

Location: Brandbjerg Højskole, DK and Rhodes, Greece

Time: Week 39, September 23–30, 2007

Participants: 2 x 50 young people from all over Europe aged 18-30

Cost: € 150/Participation fee/Travel costs for the cheapest possible transportation will be reimbursed, please check with the office before buying a ticket to confirm the costs.

We have the pleasure of inviting you to this seminar, which is funded by the European Parliament and linked to the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The project wishes to

Establish youth parliaments in 2 regions in Europe

Put into perspective the history of the Rome Treaty

Establish a genuine European/international setting in Northern and Southern Europe

Link the 2 regions to the network of Europe Houses (EUNET)

Present a Citizens´Agenda in the regions and in Brussels

Form a permanent EUNET youth task force

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